mercredi 5 novembre 2008

episode 22 ou je mene une vie dangereuse....

voila ce que l'on peut lire dans les guidelines pour la licence d'expe animale...

Because specific threats from animal rights activists will vary considerably depending upon a number of factors such as the organisation involved, their particular focus or

agenda at the time and on the levels of support which they receive it is not possible to

provide specific advice to cover every eventuality. However, these general guidelines

may help raise awareness of the type of precautions which may be necessary.

�� Look out for suspicious or unusual behaviour from others; especially near your

home, during your travel to/from work, and at other places you frequent regularly,

such as your child's school, local shops and restaurants.

�� Be alert to possible threats arising from your public, commercial or private

activities. Inform those of your associates, friends and family who may need to be

aware of the situation.

�� Try not to establish an observable pattern of behaviour that could enable a

potential attacker to:

�� predict your future movements.

�� trap you in situations where you are least able to protect yourself.

�� isolate you from help.

If your are arranging a meeting with someone you do not know well you should try


�� meet in a recognised place of business during normal hours, or;

�� meet in the presence of friends, family or other people you can trust.

�� Do not discuss your work in public places where you may be overheard.

�� Avoid giving out details that connect your private or domestic life with your

professional details; especially over the Internet, in professional directories and

during social contacts.

�� Do not give your home address or telephone numbers to people you do not

personally know.

�� Do not wear your ID card or display any other work related and identifying clothing/

information when away from the establishment.

�� Stay alert and report any suspicious activity

Most establishments will have either a department or a member of staff responsible for

security. It is advisable for you to find out about your local communication network for

distributing information about animal rights activities and also to familiarise yourself with

local procedures for dealing with potential security alerts.

Mais apres, quand tu lis ce genre de choses, tu comprends

PS: je vous prierai de ne pas reveler mon identite aux bristolien(ne)s, je suis juste une chercheuse pour le bien de l'humanite !!!! Apres je ne m'exprimerais pas sur le pour/contre car c'est pas l'objet du post. Juste qu'il y a une grande difference entre la France et les UK sur ce sujet, c'est tout.

1 commentaire:

La petite a dit…

ici ca n'a pas la'air aussi dangereux...